Aluminum-clad wood window and door installation knowledge
How to check the quality of installation of doors and Windows?
Wood: no cracks, smooth wood, paint smooth and clean.
Watch boxes and wall connection: window frames should be consistent horizontal even vertical, high and low, fixed spacing should be less than or equal to 600 mm, box and wall should be firmly attached, gaps filled full of elastic material, plaster surface joints, no cracks.
Surface of the window: window frames should be clean, flat, smooth, surface scratches, bumps, profile-free welding faults.

Some check knowledge of installating aluminum doors and windows
Let us learn some installation knowledge of aluminum clad wood doors and windows now--How to check the s installation of aluminum clad wood doors and windows?
1.Wood:There should be no wood and paint cracking.
2.Frame connected to the wall: Horizontal and vertical window frames should be flat, and their height should be consistent. The stator spacing should be less than or equal to 600 mm. And the aluminum and wood composite frame should be tightly connected to the wall, while the filled elastic material seam complete full.
3.See the window surface: Window frame should be clean, smooth, flat and there should be no scratches and dent. In orther word the profiles should be without welding cracking.
4.Watch glass sealing strip: The sealing strip should level off of contact with the glass and glass entrance of aluminum clad wood doors and windows.
Related reading:Aluminium casement windows,Aluminium cladding wood windows and doors,Rolling shutter